DAY RIDE 2020_01
A new year means a few new day rides. I started in 2018 with some trail scouting through Austrias federal state “Lower Austria”. Lower Austria is divided into 4 quarters. In Spring 2020 it was time to ride, after the already explored quarters “Weinviertel” and “Industrieviertel” the Quarter: “Mostviertel.” This is the report about this day of riding …
Like all of my dayrides the start was located in Vienna:

DATE: MAY 2020, DISTANCE: 535 km or 330 mi, GRAVEL/STREET RATIO: 30/70, HIGHLIGHTS: Plenty of lookouts ans nice places in/around the “Mostviertel/Lower Austria”
The planned route followed some sight seeing points like lookouts, churches and other interesting stuff, mostly located within the quarter “Mostviertel”.

In the flat areas around our starting point in Vienna, this morning looked promissing. We rode westwards along some easy …

gravel, and through the woods …

near village Bad Vöslau. Further westwards …

it looked like weater was getting bad, …

but when we reached the …

first hills it thankfully didn’t get worse than cloudy. We followed …

some very small back country roads for our first look out this day:

The view from the hill “Pichlberg” over the dented area of southern Mostviertel was great, despite the clouds at the horizon.

*grass and blossoms*

Just aside one of the bigger back country roads, I stopped for the first time at this resting place. I’d seen it often before during my ride outs in this area.

At the end of this stair was a table and some kind of earth-fridge with cheap beverages and a cash box for the check out. Good to know this DIY-Rest for future ride outs!

In the village Neubruck we passed this aqueduct. It is called Luegerbrücke and is part of Viennas gigantic water supply. I always thought that it would be a railway bridge, because close by, there are long …

old railway dams, which are rideable. We came to the village “Gaming”, where

Чернотa and I found near this little water-electricity-plant …

this arrangement of little stone piles, just aside the street. People obviously have too much time. ^^
But it’s a nice place for having a rest and surely a nice place for a swim during the hot summer.

The village “Lunz am See” lies, hard to guess, at a nice lake. Also its …

building in the old market town are worth a visit. Чернотa and I went on and entered the Steinbach Valley. Its entrance is very narrow and is only passable via a short tunnel.

*My black beast in its hive*

We followed the street, which led us through this narrow valley, until …

this aqueduct was reached, which was our second one this day. It also belongs to Viennas gigantic water supply network. Nearby an …

old wooden bridge …

and behind a fence …

was the entrance to a “gorge-adventure-hiking-trail” located. Along our way back out of this valley …

we found aside the street this old chimney. It was close to another old building, which seems to be…

kind of an antique electricity plant. After a lot of tarmac it was time for doing some …

gravel, which brought us right into the higher hills of the southern part of Mostviertel.

We climbed the hill higher, passed this big hunters hut, and finally reached …

the top of this 1300 meter high hill called “Zinken”. The view up there …

was ok, but on a clear day it surely would be way lot better. The ride went on, and

found finally here its end. Like so often in Austria, when following some gravel tracks: A closed gate. So my black beauty and I did some back tracking and went further on to the city …

Waidhofen an der Ybbs. Besides the big church also the “Rothschild-Castle” is an interesting building in this city and surely worth a visit.

My black beauty and I enjoyed the empty back country roads, which went from one hill ….

to the next one.

We have passed the “Basilika Sonntagsberg“. Next we arrived at …

our first real official lookout point of this days ride. It`s called: “Voralpenblick Ertl“, and…

is offering a very nice view to the south and the …

east of Austrias Prealps.

North was now our direction to go. We got closer to the river Danube, what …

means that the landscape is changing from soft hills, to flat valley. At the place, where the river Enns is floating into the stream Danube, the …

hydro plant “St. Pantaleon” is located. It’s in duty since 1965.

Now we crossed the river Danube and followed …

its sandy river beds eastwards through the big plains of this area. Our route was accompanied by …

fresh green weath and …

an impressive single oak tree standing alone on a calm hill.

Next stop: The viewpoint “Gobelwarte” which lies near the city of Grein in Upper Austria, just at the border to lower Austrias “Mostviertel”. Climbing up that thing with enduro gear was a bit exausting, but …

finally the view was a nice refund for the spent effort.

Following the river Danube …

offered the opportunity for this nice picture. It’s surely one of my favourite photos from this riding day.

I dont often come to this area of the river Danube, but when I do, I always take some time for watching this huge river-barges, navigating through the bends of the river bed. Often they have a length of more than 100m / 330ft and are fully loaded with sand, soil or coal. It is very interesting for me how that works.
I mean, the length of the boat is a massive lever which the captain has to keep under control, permanently avoiding the streaming to turn the boat in an unwanted direction or into a shallow bank!
A few miles later …

Чернотa and I reached the city Melk with its famous abbey. Watching up…

from its feet, this clerical building is very impressive and shows well the building abilities of mankind. A little web research showed that this abbey is more than 900 years old. Wow. Not many human made buildings/institutions last that long. After a short break it was time to ride back, so we continued our …

ride. It looked more and more like rain is incoming.

“Castle Schoenbuehel” was another old building along our ride. The white Audi in front pleased me too. ^_^

The ride, which now led us southwards, followed some legal gravel near St. Pölten and other …

back country roads, …

which led us towards Vienna.

This shot was taken at a fruit plantation, which was covered with huge plastic nets, for protecting the harvest against hail damage.

At the last hour of our ride, finally the good …

weather reappeared. At a junction …

I stopped for a picture of this cross, which I often passed before. Behind the blossoms is the following name engraved: “Martin van Fireblade”. Some googling showed a rescue report, which says, that this cross is remembering to one member of our huge motorcyclists family, which rode his last way far ahead of us. Martin died in 2003, when a car driver suddenly entered the street. An emergency braking wasn’t able to beware him from the crash. He died at the place of accident, where this cross is installed.
There is also a small post on the famous german motorcyclist website which is remembering to him. What a nice gesture!
My black beauty and I came …

nearer to the big city and crossed …

the last freeways.

Past a short potty break near the “Magna Racino“- (which is a big horse-racing and -riding areal), we arrived back at the city of Vienna.
Total covered distance along this day ride through the “Mostviertel”: 535 km or 330 mi.
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