One day or other, each journey find its end. So did the Breakdown Ride after more than 5500 km or about 3500 mi. After two weeks nonstop riding in dual sport manner along some awesome more or less remote areas through south Eastern Europe, my black beauty and I started early in the morning into our last riding day. The trip followed some well known back country roads from Southern-Salzburg back to my chosen hometown Vienna.

After a small breakfast with my family …

at this beautiful morning, I went to the bike and stowed my belongings. Whilst doing so, I recognized that …

both sides of …

of Чернотa seat had been rubbed through in the knee-area. Surely a design flaw and/or a sign of heavy off-road riding with a lot of legwork. Looks like another breakdown occurred, and it’s time for a new seat.
When everything was stowed, I said farewell to my beloved ones and …

followed the valleys of the federal state of Salzburg eastwards, passing …

some impressive …

and lovely buildings, …

big farms, whilst …

riding through central Austrias spectacular landscape.
In central Styria, I turned into one of my most favorite, often before ridden tarmac rounds and followed it in a …

decelerating manner, which allowed Чернотa and me …

to enjoy the …

the beautiful central region of …

of the federal state Styria even more. Around the …

noon hour …

Чернотa and I rode for a short while through calm …

drizzling rain. Further …

in the east …

the weather increased significant, so it was time to put the rain gear off again. In the mid of the afternoon …

Чернотa and I finally reached the flat lands around the city of Vienna. After 14 days of riding and with exactly …

5598 km or 3478 mi more on the ODO, this gorgeous trip finally found its end. Both, the motorcycle and rider, arrived well back at home despite having a few more or less big troubles underway.
Hmm. I’m not sure what to say other than good in hindsight of this trip. Regarding the visited countries, Bulgaria was surely THE adventurous highlight regarding remoteness, beauty and challenging riding difficulties. But all visited countries had their own highlights, like my detailed ride report showed you. (If you just stepped in here is the overview about all ride reports of this trip: –> CLICK )
Overall, it was a nice experience being again on my own for two full weeks, along a real dual adventure trough isolated areas of Europe, which a usual motorcyclists won’t ride. Just me, my decent dualsport-adventure-motorcycle Чернотa and two saddlebags of equipment.
By this time I’m surprised again, how fewer things I really needed for having a such a great adventure. A check of my packing list afterwards showed, again, that I’d still things with me, which haven’t been used during the whole trip. So there’s still some optimization potential at the packing list for incoming adventures.
Having undertaken this trip also showed me, that my 690ty has reached after 117.000km or 73.000 mi a state, in which its reliability is getting questionable. 4000km or 2500 mi after that trip, I found out, that the engine ticking noise, which I recognized first along this trip somewhere along Trans Euro Trail Greece, was camshaft related. One of the camshaft bearing was worn out and was overheating. –> Maintenance Report
In my opinion, my trusty Чернотa, still running on its first piston, has done its duty, and I’m looking forward to changing the bike within the next few months. The 690ty taught my skills a lot within the last 7 years, or in the meanwhile +130.000 km / 81.000 miles, but now it’s time for getting something younger, less weighted and more dualadventure-capable.
So, enough of this. With these columns, the “The Breakdown Ride 2021” is history, and I’m ready for the next dualadventure … .
Thanks for following my journey. Tom
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