After more than 220 km or 135 mi along the Northern TET Section on day one of this ride, I tried to do the rest of it, which equals about 100 km or 60 mi. But, it happened what always happened: Plans are just plans. Due to overnight changed conditions, I had to bypass a big amount of the leftover TET Section. Nevertheless, it was still a nice riding day with my trusty dual sport adventure bike Чернотa …

Route Day 2: Starting from last nights camping spot on top of the hill, the second day of riding along the TET – Hungary – Northern Section (the green line), went on along some hilly meadows leading south- and eastwards to the Hungarian capital. Because a few parts were not doable for my 50/50 back tire, some asphalt roads have been taken for reaching the easternmost end of the northern section. There is a ferry point located, where a crossing of the stream Danube is an option for reaching other parts of TET Hungary.
Early in the morning, around …

0600 it was time for leaving the tent. I made a first glance through the tent door, and it was clear, that everything outside was drenched. Unsurprisingly, it was bucketing down nearly the whole night and casually, some lightning happened. Despite this short but loud disturbances, I slept very well – like always when I’m lying in my cozy sleeping bag in the tent and rain is falling. I went out and, …

stretched my limbs. High air moisture and the rising sun delivered a nice glowing morning mood. After the morning wash was done, I stowed the still wet tent and other camping gear …

and made a last picture of that nice spot on that hill, located directly along the route of the Trans Euro Trail. Чернотas heart came to life immediately after pressing the start button. We left the hilltop just at the moment …

when the sun broke through the clouds. The way downhill was really slippery …

due to the heavy showers last night. Here this piece of track wasn’t funny to ride, with the Mitas E-07 which is a 50/50 backtire. It was permanently on the edge of slipping away to the left hand-, hill downward-side. But finally …

my black beauty and I made it and slid down the rest of the hill nearly in a straight line along this slippery ruts. It didn’t take us long …

til we’ve been down at the hills bottom, back under the dense cloud cover. Following the flat valleys between the hills showed …

how intense the rain of the last night must have been. After a short try of this piece of mud, it was clear for me, that Чернотa an I would have no chance with this kind of back tire to climb that slope. I skipped about 20 km …

of the TE-Trail just …

to find out, near this impressive farm, …

that also all the other parts of the TET, which were leading through hilly fields like this, would be only rideable with a more aggressive tire on this day. Normally I’m not the guy who is giving up that fast, but my experience told me, what is awaiting me, when I would follow that muddy field track.
I wasn’t in the right mood for such mud wrestling like in Poland a year before or an already enjoyed mud bath like in eastern Hungarys woods.
So I whispered to Чернотa: “Don’t be sad, another time you will get your beauty treatment”, and off we went.

We braapt along some nice aspahlt and left behind …

a few little villages, which names I cant remember. While doing a little detour which brought us …

into this dead end, I was really shocked, when I recognized the bad shape of the bridge in the background. This concrete pedestrian bridge, is crossing over two railway lines. Obviously its structure got some bad improvised wooden support. Damn!🤯
Hopefully that dead trap will be renewed before the whole thing falls onto the railway.

Not sure if that construction site is an ongoing church or a maybe a mosque?

A interesting detail regarding Hungary’s railway crossings: A white flashing light means that everything is fine and you’re allowed to cross the railway lines. This tip of traffic light is also common in other former eastern countries like Slowakia.
Our ride led us closer to …

this monstrous chimneys. They belong to a power plant called “Dunamenti Erömü”. It’s a gas-powered plant. If you are interested in mechanical stuff, –>HERE<– are a few pictures available which I found online. They show the impressive gas turbine, which is producing energy within this power plant.
Just a few miles further north of that plant …

lies the ending point/entrance point of the northern Section of the Trans Euro Trail Hungary. Here, at this Danube river ferry crossing I made a rest and had a chocolate bar for breakfast. Afterwards I turned and …

my ride continued back westwards. Like often in Hungary illegal dump sites are often located right aside remote gravel tracks. For me it’s a sad thing, especially because in Austria, such an amount of reckless dumped rubbish aside the roads is a very rare happening.

I stopped at this fountain in the background for filling up my both water bottles. Just a few meters opposite the street …

two antique, horse drawn and man powered fire pumps …

have been inspected. I went off…

just to hit the brakes another time at this nice old building. I also used the stop …

for making a picture of a nearby parked, in the meanwhile seldom seen car in Western Europe. A VW Golf MK2.
I really like the angular design. It’s still some of my unfulfilled dreams owning the rally version, which is in my opinion the more beautiful car compared to the classy Lancia Delta Integrale.

We left behind some milage during strolling through a few smaller and bigger …

eastern branded cities, …

villages and …

inherent …

industrial areas.

In the city of Komaron is …

Fort Monostori located. It is also called …

Fort Sandberg. This Fort was build in the second half of the 19th century for protecting the city. After World War Two it was uses by the Soviets as one of the biggest ammunition storage ever built. After a bit of sight seeing, Чернотa and I went on …

and traversed the city of Gyor.

Short before reaching the borderline between Austria and Hungary I made another stop in an remote Alley near a …

corn field. Interestingly each corn plant …

was covered with many of this little bugs. A short web search told me that this little insect is a foreign vermin, which is called “Western Corn Root Worm“. It was brought from overseas and is the reason for big agricultural damage in Europe.

The last twenty kilometers before reaching Austria, my black beauty and I followed some …

good rideable gravel tracks, and passed …

some interesting ruins, within this most north-western part of Hungary.

In the early afternoon, my android navigation system showed me, that we are back, right at the border point, …

where this little adventure has begun just a day before. Brief after …

crossing the border to Austria, light rain appeared. I took a few …

already very well known …

and …

often ridden single tracks ….

which brought me close to my hometown Vienna.
Total distance on day two: 365km or 225mi.
I hope you have enjoyed this report, about my short spare time trip along the Northern Section of the Trans Euro Trail Hungary.
I’m definitely recommending doing a trip along this great piece of TET. Especially when you are from Austria, where nearly every off-road riding is prohibited.
This part of the TET is easy/quick reachable, well varied and besides a few short parts also doable for motorcyclists with less off-road skills as long the ground is dry.
Make a plan, saddle the bike and have fun!
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