Like in my last dayride report Чернотa and I were still in Salzburg for a few days of holiday. On this beautiful early autumnal day, my black beauty and I rode a nice paved round through Austrias federal states Salzburg and Tirol. On our schedule for these days ride out: Kitzbühler Horn, Pillersee, Lofer Mountains, Hintertal, Hochkönig-Mountainrange and Rauris-Valley!

DATE: September 2019, DISTANCE: 280 km or 170 mi, GRAVEL/STREET RATIO: 0/100, HIGHLIGHTS: Kitzbuehel Horn, Pillersee, scenic views over the Lofer Mountains, Hintertal, Rauris Valley, …

Чернотa and I started our ride at the late morning after a rainy night. The sky was still …

cloudy but, there already have been some slowly growing holes in the cloud ceiling. We started our ride close to the city Mittersill, where we had a great view into the Felbertal Valley. Via the Pass Thurn Street, Чернотa and I crossed the mountains from the federal state Salzburg, right into the federal state Tirol.

There in Tirol, perfect weather was awaiting us. This day seemed to become a great one for motorcycle riding! Near the city Kitzbuehel, …

we paid a few Euros at this toll station and started to climb …

the way up to the Kitzbueheler-Horn-Mountain.

Close to the top …

the panorama above Western-Tirol was tremendous! Also the vision …

to the south was great. Far in the distance the Main Chain of Austrias Alps was clearly visible. Riding in Autumn through the Alps is most of the time …

acompanied with great light- and visibility conditions due to the low height of the sun. After the first short rest this day, we rode back …

to the valley, and made a last glimpse …

back to the mountain, where we have been just a few minutes before. The ride proceeded in the direction north-east. We passed the city St. Johann in Tirol and rode …

to Lake Piller (Pillersee). This beautiful and little back-country-valley was shown to me about a year ago from a so called “Facebook-Friend”. Thanks for this Henrik! ^_^
Leaving this little …

detour behind …

Чернотa and I hit for our next goal, which was another cable car station near the city Lofer, back in the federal state Salzburg. Up there, …

was another great lookout located. This time, the impressive valley of the river Saalach in the south and …

the Lofer Mountains in the north-east were seen. That’s a real nice corner up there! Чернотa and I …

went back through the city of Lofer, right to the ….

small village St. Martin, just a few kilometers further south. There’s the valley Hintertal located, which is connecting Austria and Germany. The ride along the …

small …

back country roads …

offered a few very idyllic and peaceful views.

At the end of Hintertal Valley, and likewise the top of the small pass road called “Hirschbichl”, is this little inn located. Just behind the building begins the German territory. Me and my black beauty Чернотa made here a U-turn and rode back the way which we came from.

Again back at the bottom of Saalach-Valley another rest was made.

Such geologic folding structures are always a nice thing to watch. It’s hard to imagine how big the forces are, which are necessary to lift/move the mountains and melt stone.

The same applies for the landscape within this valley. This shot was taken near one of the biggest cities in this region – Saalfelden.

This wooden fence in the foreground is typical for this region of Salzburg. It’s called Pinzgauer-Fence. It’s a special technique for arranging wooden planks in the shape of a fence. Back in former times, this fence was optimized for keeping different kinds of animals (cows, chickens, goats, sheep, …) within its borders. Nowadays it’s more a “nice to watch thing” and is getting seldom. This is a typical example for a old and dying craftmanship. :-/
From Saalfelden the route …

went further on to the Hochkönig-Mountain-Range.

“4 minutes? Really?”

After the forced …

brake, the ride got …

more vivid and we reached surely …

the best lookout of …

the day. The rough mountains in the background …

are all part of the Hochkoenig-Mountain-Range. The rest, which we took here, was a longer one, for enjoying the view.

We continued our ride and went straight back to the Valley of …

the river Salzach. We followed it a few miles westwards, and than made a detour …

into the dead end valley, called Rauris. Because it was election day in Austria, I was now in a little hurry. I rushed back to my shelter and picked up the voting card. Before doing my cross at the correct square, I made two more pictures:

Here the view to the famous Austrian Glacier-Skiing-Area called “Kitzsteinhorn“, and there …

a last glance eastwards, over the bottom of Salzach-Valley, which we just came along.
What a great autumn-tarmac-round through Tirol and Salzburg!
Total covered distance along this ride: 280 km or 170 mi.
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