Autumn 2019: Having a few days off, I used my spare time to make short explorations in the Alps. This time I focused on the Stubach-Valley. It has a couple of men made lakes at its end. Here’s the ride report about a short trip into the valleys of Austrias high alpine Areas …

DATE: September 2019, DISTANCE: 90 km or 55 mi, GRAVEL/STREET RATIO: 20/80, HIGHLIGHTS: Lakes, mountains, scenic views, hydro power station, …
Starting near the city Mittersill, I rode directly to the entrance of the Stubach-Valley, which is located close to the village Uttendorf. These autumns days in Austrias federal state Salzburg, the …

weather was wet. I used a break in the rainy weather and started into this short ride out. At the entrance of Stubach-Valley fresh green vegetation and …

impressive water-pressuer-tubes for supplying the water power plants down in the valley, welcomed us. Whilst following the street …

southwards, it was obvious, that there are further power stations mounted in the valley. Many power lines accompanied us on our way deeper into the valley. After a few miles along …

alpine meadows and woods …

Чернотa and I reached the “Lake Enzingerboden”, located direct at the similar named tiny village.

This lake is used (like the most other men made high alpine lakes in Austria) for producing electric energy via the power of water. Short after the lake, the tarmac road turned into …

a steep gravel track.

With my black beauty Чернотa I puttered it easily upwards. On …

top of that slope …

we enjoyed the view back down to Lake “Enzingerboden” and the related village.

A few hundred meters into the valley I reached the goal of that short ride –>” Lake Green”. We followed the track aside the lake for another …

few hundred meters and made a break up at its end. There the view over the lake was nice.
Besides the both named lakes: “Lake Enzingerboden” and “Green Lake”; there are two much bigger dike-lakes in Stubach Valley.
For further information see: “Power-Plant-Group-Stubachtal“
The brake found its end when light rain came up. So we turned round and rode …

the way back, which we came before. Whilst doing this …

a few lovely views …


Чернотa and I did also a short detour into the “Felbertal-Valley”. There is the “Felbertauern-Street” located. It is a well maintained Alpine Road in that area and connects Austrias federal states Salzburg and Eastern-Tirol via a long tunnel. For its usage you have to pay a toll. A few more pics of this valley are available in an earlier one of my reports. –> CLICK <–

After letting my black beauty fly in and out the great road through the Valley Felbertal, it was time for a last glance into the “Salzach Valley”. Then …

we rode back the last few miles to our accommodation. Certainly along some well known gravel tracks. ^_^
Total covered distance this day: 90 km or 55 mi
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