April 2018:
In Austria we have a saying which means in English something like: “The month April is doing what he will!” That saying is based on the weather in this time of the year. Most of the time it is changing very often in short time. From Sun, rain and snow everything can happen within a few KM of riding. This ride out is a good example for showing how alternating the weather in the month April in Austria could be. So if you plan a trip to Austria, be aware of rude weather conditions until begin/middle of may!
Now, here’s the day ride report:

At the end of April 2018 I rode this fine tour around the Alps of Lower Austria and Styria. There are a few similarities to one of my previous day rides, but I always try to find some new shortcuts and corners which will gain the varieties of my daily rides. This day ride started and ended in Vienna and went into Austrias Pre-Alps.

In the late morning we rode on via well known streets south-westwards. The fast moving clouds have been a pleasure to watch while riding Чернотa. It doesn’t take long until …

Чернотa and I reached the first single track. We followed it …

till we reached some well known …

motorcycle routes near the small village Rohr im Gebirge. I really like this wood work, so I made a photo of it.

After a few gravel km …

we had to stop here. That’s typical for Austria: Nearly every gravel track leading into the woods is forbidden to ride. 🙁

What ever! We rode on along some fine curves and …

passed this little reservoir dam. On top of the …

Schwarzenbach street the weather changed …

rapidly. But that’s OK. My dirty girl Чернотa desperately needed a wash. Like a cat …

Чернотa looked very grumpy after she was drenched properly. ^^

At the moment when our day ride route turned back to the east, the weather …

instantly got better. Near the city Mariazell we did another …

Shortcut close to a skiing area. Luckily here only skiing was forbidden. Pheww.

After a short “scenic potty break” we …

rode through a small gorge. Short after midday …

I had a break at a small pizzeria. While eating my healthy meal I was thinking about the question: “What is hotter: Чернотas back end or the Tabasco sauce on the pizza?”. After finishing the meal the answer was clear: Both are hot, but nothing compared to my better half at home. ♥♥♥ ^^

In the early afternoon the sun came out a bit.

At the …

entrance to one of the most beautiful valleys of Lower Austria the “Höllental” (Hell Valley), is the “Rax-Ropeway” located. The high plateau “Rax” famous weekend-excursion-goal for the people living in Vienna.

We rode through the Hell Valley and after that…

Чернотa showed me a few new …

gravel tracks around the village of Pernitz. These tracks brought us back …

to …

a nice back country road, which was covered with fresh green and yellow meadows.

After taking a look back to the hills near the village Berndorf ….

Чернотa brought me back to the big city. That was a nice spring ride!
Total covered distance this day: 370km or 225mi