As mentioned in my last day ride report, despite the calm temperatures the winter wasn’t over in eastern Austria. At the beginning of February 2018 the cold came back and left a bit of snow behind.
Despite that there was a big desire to take my black beauty Чернотa out for a ride. “Let´s give it a try!”, was my thought, and so we did.
Retrospectively it was really exhausting to ride the 690ty with 50/50 tires under these conditions. But overall it also was a great fun and it sharpened the reflexes of the rider. Here are a few impressions which have been taken before the numb fingers refused taking any photos more. ^^

The beginning of this day ride was a bit muddy. A few km further …

Чернотa got the first time this season snow …

beneath the wheels. As long the tracks went on straight …

riding in the snow wasn’t a problem. With the first calm hills and bends …

it got tricky to ride. But despite the spinning back wheel and …

a sometimes side slipping front wheel we made it through the snowy woods.

Чернотa brought me to this …

old Austrian bunker of the Cold War. After a short potty brake we rode on along further muddy field tracks …

till we passed this storage yard. I’m not really sure if this surveillance trailer in the middle will prevent any theft of expensive crane equipment.

On each day ride my motto is to have some small or big reconnaissances. This time I was curious about this already often distantly passed cement factory. I inspected the fence line around the property a bit …

via some drenched tracks and found out …

that there is a huge pothole nearby. Sad fully there was no open/legal entrance to this promising dirt hole. Therefore, Чернотa and I went on …

for collecting some nice …

and nearly similar looking curves.

Along some wine yards we …

left our traces.

After the last nice bends at this day …

we took another, for us new single track along some old wine-cellars on our way back home to Vienna
Total distance on this snowy day ride: 160km or 100mi.