Each trip finally find its end. And so did the “Long Weekend Trip in the Alps” on the riding day number four.
Staying the last night in my homeland was nice. It started with the first views of the familiar surrounding, then the parental home, the good food and last but not least the most important point: The great sleep. I don’t know why but nearly nowhere else I sleep that well. Strange. So the last day of this ride began quite well rested …

Starting near the city Mittersill Чернотa and I did a short ride into the Felbertal-Valley to a beautiful mountain lake and to the end of the valley itself. After that we followed the Valley of the river Salzach to the city Sankt Johann, further on along the valley of the river Enns, passing some famous villages like Wagrain (=Birthplace of the composer of the famous Christmas song “Silent night, holy night.”), or the skiing areas around the city Schladming. Near the village Liezen we went on along some unnamed valleys further eastwards through northern Styria and Southern-Lower Austria util we finally reached Austrias capitol Vienna.

When the sun came up behind the mountains I had a coffee. I said farewell to my family and started in the day with my black beauty.

Along some well known gravel tracks we slowly …

rode downwards to the city Mittersill. Down in the valley of the river Salzach …

the first mists of autumn covered the valley in …

dens fog clouds. We rode on into the valley of Felbertal. While gaining height again …

we left the clouds behind us. On the end of a side valley lies …

the lake “Hintersee”. It is surely one of the most beautiful and easy accessible mountain lakes in the western part of Salzburg. On day number two Чернотa and I have been on the spectacular other side of this mountain in the background, where we followed a construction road for the power lines which were crossing here the alps. —> CLICK for ride report of day no. 2

After another glimpse down to the foggy valley, my black beauty and I rode further into the valley of Felbertal to its end where …

the northern entrance portal of the Felbertauern-Tunnel is located. Here we turned back.

Now we went the valley of the river Salzach eastwards. On the borderline between the states Salzburg and Styria light rain got us. After a stop for putting on the rain gear the ride continued.

Near the city Admont this nice shot was made.

We passed the castle “Gallenstein” and …

the hunting castle “Kassegg “.

From time to time heavy rain showers drenched us both while riding further eastwards.

Somewhere in Lower Austria’s south it was …

time for a coffee break in the early afternoon.

The ride continued via …

the Zellerrain-Road.

After a short stop at the “Lake Erlauf” we passed the …

pilgrim city “Mariazell“.

Because there was enough time left we made …

a short detour to …

the “Hubertus-Lake” where some …

ducklings have been up for doing some mischief. ^^

We rode on along some nice …

remote spots and in the meanwhile well known …

valley-connecting …

forest tracks.

Near the village “Pernitz” we did another small paved …

back country road. After the last few kilometers/miles …

along unpaved tracks …

Чернотa and I reached after 480km or 300mi Vienna.
Total distance the last four riding days 1878km or 1167 mi.
Short summary:
This short ride out over the weekend showed well, what is possible with a dual-sport-motorcycle, and a bit of gear in four days. Many km/mi spiced with the taste of little adventure were the results.
I learned my lessons and will do more often such escapes from the daily business.
I hope you enjoyed my little adventure.
Further ones will follow, Tom.