A distant pickup. Or: “The Mule”

DAY RIDE 2022-03

After ages of lurking around in motorcycle-forums and the long vainly wait for a dual sport motorcycle, which truly deserves the description “Adventure Motorcycle”, I made the decision to get an appropriate successor for my trusty black beauty Чернотa, which was a KTM 690 Enduro. This is the short story about getting a new ride for some proper incoming adventures….

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DAY RIDE 2022-2

Each of has his personal home route which gets ridden, when there is some spare time, but no route planning time. Or often also just for getting the mind free from daily life troubles. When I’m on such a ride, I often recognize some small tracks or tiny back country roads aside my home route which look promising. This ride report is about scouting some of this little trails and roads along one of my usual home routes. Enjoy …

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“DAY RIDE 2021_1”

Austrias easternmost corner is widely known for the following: Lake Neusiedel, huge flatlands and big vineyards. Due to the lack of slopes and bends, this part of my home country is not the first choice for motorcyclists to ride. Living since over a decade in the nearby capitol city Vienna I explored this “boring” corner very well the last years, and found out, that there are a lot of nice sights in this part of Austria. This is, let’s say, a little summary of enjoyable sights within this area. Enjoy …



DAY RIDE 2020_01

A new year means a few new day rides. I started in 2018 with some trail scouting through Austrias federal state “Lower Austria”. Lower Austria is divided into 4 quarters. In Spring 2020 it was time to ride, after the already explored quarters “Weinviertel” and “Industrieviertel” the Quarter: “Mostviertel.” This is the report about this day of riding …


DAYRIDE 2019_04


Like in my last dayride report Чернотa and I were still in Salzburg for a few days of holiday. On this beautiful early autumnal day, my black beauty and I rode a nice paved round through Austrias federal states Salzburg and Tirol. On our schedule for these days ride out: Kitzbühler Horn, Pillersee, Lofer Mountains, Hintertal, Hochkönig-Mountainrange and Rauris-Valley!

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DAYRIDE 2019_02


Like my last day ride, the “WEINVIERTEL RIDE”, this day rides route is located in the state Lower Austria and went mostly through the “Industrieviertel” (= English: “Industrial Quarter).
I planned a good amount of the route along gravel, which wasn’t that easy, because the Industrieviertel is dense populated. But hey! Чернотa is a Dual-Sport-Motorcycle so its also able to handle some tarmac when necessary. So, here’s the report of this fine day of riding …

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DAYRIDE 2019_01


With the beginning of 2019 I found out, that I was slowly running out of gravel roads in my closer surrounding. Most of them I had already ridden. Hence, I made the plan to conquer new territories and had a closer look to the maps. The Austrian state “Lower Austria” is divided in four quarters, what seems to be a good idea to start with. One quarter is the “Weinviertel”, where I decided to make a gravel focused dual-sport riding day. Here you will find the report about this nice dual-sport-day-ride, which I call “The Weinviertel Ride” …

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DAY RIDE 2018_06


September 2018: I was a few days for Holiday in Austria’s most beautiful state Salzburg. There are many opinions about that but for me surely Salzburg is the prettiest one out of nine states in total.
Being in the most western county of Salzburg called “Pinzgau” I had time for a short ride.
So I made a decision and I went off with my black beauty to visit the Zillertaler-Scenic-Road in the neighbor state Tirol. This is a panorama track leading around the top of a mountain near the village “Zell am Ziller” and it provides a few nice views to the northern Alps …

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DAY RIDE 2018_05


In August 2018 I tried a new track in my closer surrounding. The track itself was planned via open source material available online. As always I have to say that the online map material is in the meanwhile grown to a really mighty routing tool set.
With it it’s a pleasure to plan such tracks which is finally also working in the field. You will see it in the great impressions below which I’d taken on this afternoon ride …

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DAY RIDE 2018_04


April 2018:
In Austria we have a saying which means in English something like: “The month April is doing what he will!” That saying is based on the weather in this time of the year. Most of the time it is changing very often in short time. From Sun, rain and snow everything can happen within a few KM of riding. This ride out is a good example for showing how alternating the weather in the month April in Austria could be. So if you plan a trip to Austria, be aware of rude weather conditions until begin/middle of may!
Now, here’s the day ride report:

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DAY RIDE 2018_03


A Sunday in April 2018 – The days are longer now and spring is quickly incoming. The fields slowly turned into a fresh looking green and in the mountains was still a good amount of snow left over.
This day ride was a nice spring / winter mix along one of my favorite tarmac house routes. Please feel free to have a look at the attached pictures down below …

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DAY RIDE 2018_02


As mentioned in my last day ride report, despite the calm temperatures the winter wasn’t over in eastern Austria. At the beginning of February 2018 the cold came back and left a bit of snow behind.
Despite that there was a big desire to take my black beauty Чернотa out for a ride. “Let´s give it a try!”, was my thought, and so we did.
Retrospectively it was really exhausting to ride the 690ty with 50/50 tires under these conditions. But overall it also was a great fun and it sharpened the reflexes of the rider. Here are a few impressions which have been taken before the numb fingers refused taking any photos more. ^^

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DAY RIDE 2018_01


The cold is not over now. Winter will surely take another four or six weeks until it’s finally gone here in eastern Austria.
But as you know that’s no reason for staying at home where the fight against the winter depressions is still ongoing. Not for me!
For this day ride I had no special plan. I just put some warm clothes on, a bottle of water was stowed into the tank bag and I took the camera with me for making some nice photos on the way.
The route itself was a mix up from well known gravel tracks and a few new shortcuts which I’ve chosen randomly along the way.

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DAY RIDE 2017_04


Most of the people don’t ride in the winter. They are afraid of the cold, the salt, the snow, etcetera. I try to ignore this dislikes.​
Surely, when the whole countryside is covered under much snow I also stay at home. But once the temperatures are reaching 5°C I take the chance and fight against the winter blues … . This day ride report is one of these “Winter rides”. And no: I don’t ride with heat grips or a heated jacket. Good clothing gear does this job well enough.

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DAY RIDE 2017_03


Finding good day rides near Vienna isn’t easy, when you want to ride way off the paved roads.
At the end of November 2017 I did a extensive planning via satellite footage along the Austria’s eastern border, trying to find some seldom used tracks.
Finally, I had success and this little day ride showed me, that there are loads of gravel tracks out there in Austria´s eastern no man’s land , which are waiting to get ridden.
The following ride report will give you an idea about what I mean

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DAY RIDE 2017_02

“1st WINTER RIDE 2017”

You have some spare time? Why don’t you go for a ride and explore your surrounding?
That is my motto. Austria is offering so many interesting places for riding a motorcycle adventurous. When being out with Чернотa, I try to find new, for me unknown tracks and places. Closely around Austria’s capitol Vienna it’s hard to find such small adventures, but with a whole day of time, I am able to ride far enough to find easily more tracks and gravel as I can ride within a day. This day ride report is a good example, what is possible with just a day of riding time … .

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DAY RIDE 2017_01


That’s my first documented day ride here on dualadventure.com. The ride was taken in the year 2017. Its start was located in Vienna and it followed some well known biker streets in Lower Austria and Styria. Via the rural roads Чернотa (my black beauty) and I passed Haselrast, Kalte Kuchl, Mariazell and Wildalpen til we reached the famous Iron Mountain where we finally turned back.
We also did a few side trips which offered some interesting and astounding places like a abandoned building or a real beauty of a mountain lake. Enjoy …

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